The YFNED Nutrition Program is funded by Jordan’s Principle to provide equitable and healthy food to all Indigenous children aged 0 to 18 residing in the Yukon. Through our rural and urban programs, we provide in-school meal services, food hampers, family feasts, and other nutritional supports to Indigenous families. The Nutrition Program also promotes healthy traditional food practices such as seasonal harvesting, preservation and meal preparation.
Urban Nutrition Program
YFNED offers an extensive, full-service nutrition program for all urban Indigenous youth aged 0-18 in the City of Whitehorse. With our team of 20 cooks operating out of school-based kitchens and our own YFNED kitchen, we offer:
School Meal Program
School Snack Program
Family Feasts
School Meal Program
A quick look at the yummy and nutritious meals YFNED cooks are serving at Selkirk Elementary School.
The Urban Nutrition Program now provides a school-based breakfast and lunch service for all Indigenous students attending Whitehorse schools. We have over 20 cooks operating out of the schools and several private catering businesses also supplying meals.
Partnering with Yukon Food for Learning Association, we are now able to offer select food services to a small amount of non-Indigenous students requiring food.
The Nutrition Program has also developed unique partnerships with specific Whitehorse-based schools to ensure nutritious food services and Indigenous culinary programming is delivered.
School Snack Service
Every week, classroom teachers can order a range of healthy snack options for their Indigenous students, at no cost. The School Snack Service ensures nutritious food is always available to learners—which is an essential component of YFNED’s wrap-around service model.
Please submit your school snack request by Friday at 3pm. Delivery is not the next Tuesday but the following one.
For example: If you submit your request between September 28-October 4, you will receive the order on Tuesday, October 15.
Please be mindful of school closures when ordering.
For schools and organizations requesting our nutrition services for special events, please fill out our form - one month ahead.
Family Feasts
The Urban Nutrition Program also offers regular, monthly, community feasts where families can come together to enjoy a delicious and nutritious sit-down meal together. Family Feasts are generally an in-person, sit down event on Saturdays at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre and other locations.
Upcoming dates include:
March 15, 2025 - KDCC
April 12, 2025 - KDCC
May 17, 2025 - KDCC
June 14, 2025 - KDCC
July 12, 2025 - Location TBD
August 23, 2025 - KDCC
Sept 20, 2025 - KDCC
October 18, 2025 - KDCC
November 22, 2025 - KDCC
During COVID restrictions we adjusted feasts to be “Drive-Thru” so families could safely pick up a ready-to-go meal for the whole family. Check out the video below of our Drive-Thru Feast from January 16, 2022.
We provide nutritious and significant food hampers to all Indigenous families in the Yukon during scheduled school breaks. We distribute Winter Break Hampers to approximately 850 Whitehorse-based families and 800 families in the communities.
More information about Winter Hampers.
Rural Nutrition Program
Jordan’s Principle funding flows directly to all 12 rural First Nation communities to run their own nutrition program including breakfast and hot lunch at schools and daycares, as well as opportunities for youth to participate in traditional harvesting practices. YFNED supports the administration and funding proposal process for each of the Yukon First Nations.
Get to know our team of cooks and staff: