About Us — Yukon First Nation Education Directorate


Steered by the Chiefs Committee on Education (CCOE), the Yukon First Nation Education Directorate was launched in the summer of 2020 in response to the long-overdue need for unified control over First Nations education in the territory.

YFNED is dedicated to capacity-building, systems and resources development, second-level educational programs and services enhancement, and learner supports. YFNED advances First Nation decision-making and aspirations for control over education, providing technical support, research and advice for Framework Agreement processes, and advocates for First Nation student success across the system.

Mission statement:

Unified control over First Nation education so we can empower our people in our ways of knowing and prepare our children to be active participants in the current world.


  • Our students are excelling in both worlds. They are rooted with fluency in their traditional language and knowledge of their culture and history and confidently living life side by side with others, in a multilingual and multicultural Yukon society.

  • Our students are lifelong learners and First Nation citizens that will empower present and future generations.

  • Our students know the traditional cultural way of life through seeing, knowing and doing and this is how they enrich and sustain their identities and beliefs.

  • Our students know and practice their traditional laws, values and morals and these have an important place in their education.

  • Our students have the opportunity to achieve language fluency; to acquire cultural competencies that are grounded in our stories, traditional ways and land-based learning opportunities that teach respect for self, others and the land.

  • Our students are all Yukon students regardless of ancestry; who appreciate the rich heritage of this land; know how knowledge is shaped; respect differences; and connect through shared educational experiences.